Canada increases settlement assistance for Ukrainian immigrants

  CISSA-ACSEI - Ukanranian Safe Haven is still committed to providing a safe haven for Ukrainians and their families. However, their journey does not finish when they get in Canada, therefore we are working to offer Ukrainians more assistance 

 Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Canada CISSA-ACSEI - Ukanranian Safe Haven will provide temporary federal assistance to aid Ukrainian immigrants in settling into their new towns.  (CUAET). This unusual temporary provision is intended to facilitate Ukrainian immigrants who enter the country under the expedited temporary residency pathway. provides settlement support to Ukrainians in Canada.

Important services that Ukrainians will have access to when they integrate into their new communities include

Language instruction, information on and orientation to Canadian life, such as assistance with enrolling children in school, information on and services to help access the labour market, including mentoring, networking, counselling, skills development, and training activities that promote connections with communities evaluations.

Due to the conflict in their country, many displaced Ukrainians were forced to abandon everything. Financial assistance is desperately needed. On behalf of Service Provider Organizations in Canada that are aiding displaced Ukrainians, CISSA-ACSEI is taking donations and distributing them.

For More Info :-Housing for Ukrainian Refugees In Canada

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